Monday, December 15, 2008

Inventor and Tooth Fairy Attend Museum of Jurassic Technology Party

Inventor David Webster and his tooth fairy attended the Museum of Jurassic Technology's annual holiday party in Los Angeles, California. At the party, they looked at microminiatures, 3-d vectographs, met members of the Stereo Club of Southern California and received hand-made 3-d postcards. Other attendees included Lori Precious, a documentary filmmaker and Perry Hoberman, Associate Research Professor of Interactive Media at USC.  Everyone was there: British chefs, 3-d photographers, filmmakers, inventors, researchers, Sonik Mercury, common louses, faux magicians and of course,  MJT founder, David Wilson, to whom was given a tube of Beyond Toothpaste with the following message written on the exterior, "No one may ever have the same knowledge again."

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